Examining Leadership and Stakeholder Relationships of Social Entrepreneurs: A Stewardship Approach

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Valentino Elliott


Social entrepreneurship addresses social problems using innovative business strategies and concepts to create a non-prot or for-prot organization/venture whose primary objective is to lessen a specic problem aecting a given population. is denition is consistent with the work of researchers such as Dees & Anderson (2006), Mort, Weerawardena, & Carnegie (2003), and Pomerantz (2003). For the purposes of this paper, this denition serves as the fundamental conceptualization of social entrepreneurship. In an eort to improve the welfare of society, the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship must be studied because of the economic and social value it generates. Research does not explain the relationship between social entrepreneurial management skills and stakeholders engaged in social enterprise, but this area of study is signicant because these stakeholders’ motivation is essential to accomplishing whatever the goal of the social enterprise may be. My research will examine the relationship and leadership/organizational qualities needed to be successful by reviewing literature relevant to this topic. Analyzing the eectiveness of social enterprises through the stewardship theory, I aim to describe and explain what leadership skills increase stakeholders’ motivation, and attract volunteers and donors, as well as what organizational qualities are needed for a social venture to be successful. e results of my inquiry show that the most important skills for social entrepreneurs to possess are innovativeness, the ability to be risktakers, and proactiveness. In addition, it is crucial that social entrepreneurs possess the ability to be advocates and develop a strong relationship with stakeholders.

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