Food Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Agriculture Development in the Bahamas

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Ashley Liangyuan Yu


The United States has been reported to have a food self-sufficiency rate of 124% when last measured in 2010 by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Being food self-sufficient is a feasible ideal for a majority of U.S. citizens and the country as a whole. The U.S. can achieve high yields of agriculture production with conventional farming. To the Bahamas, conventional farming is not realistic. For this reason, many Bahamians doubt that being self-sufficient in food is possible. Drawing on credible reports from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Bahamas Country Review, and in-field research experience, this paper examines the economic, agricultural challenges and the benefits of sustainable agriculture development in the Bahamas. Government influences on agricultural issues are also discussed.

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