It’s not a Book. It’s a BoK Ruminating in the Margins on the Role of Self-Reflective Journaling in Fostering Personal and Professional Socialization

Main Article Content

Paige Saddler
Tara Earls Larrison


This presentation offers a case study approach to rethink the contemporary understandings and implementations of journaling in higher education. Drawing on educational theory and lived experience, the author presents the Book of Ken (BoK) as a tool for self-reflection, critical thinking, and transformative learning. Through unrestricted creative processes, the BoK served as a method of discovery for students within an undergraduate social work course that emphasized the role of the individual throughout the learning process. Using page entries as data, the author demonstrates what creative journaling looks like in both substance and style and its relativity to personal and professional socialization in teaching and learning environments. From adopting reflective processing methodology, the author details a newfound comprehensive awareness about oneself and the various intersectionalities that make up the self. Such realizations exhibit the effectiveness of the BoK in fostering critical consciousness and personal and professional development. A recommendation follows for increased application of self-reflective journaling in professional education contexts, with the BoK as the means to do so.

Keywords: self-reflection, journaling, Book of Ken, BoK, personal socialization,
professional socialization

Article Details

Research-Based Poster Presentations
Author Biography

Paige Saddler

About the Author: Paige Saddler is a 2021 graduate from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Having graduated with a Bachelors of Social Work and minor in Business, she is
now attending the University of Louisville to complete her Masters of Social Work. Her
interests lie in macro-practice advocacy and social justice.