What is "Having Sex?" An Exploratory Investigation into Sexual Communication and Sexual Education Experiences

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Kristen Gates
Emily A. Mendelson



Although engaging in sexual activity is a common activity for many, research suggests the sexual communication skills of individuals are lacking. This may be due to a lack of knowledge about sexual communication, as well as an individual's own disposition toward sexual openness. Using survey data collected online via Qualtrics, this project explores the relationship between sexual education experiences in high school and how the big five personality traits are related to the perception of sex and sexual communication. The goal of this research is to subsequently identify the areas where sexual education can be improved based upon individuals’ gaps in knowledge about sexual health and sexual communication.

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Research Study
Author Biographies

Kristen Gates, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Kristen is a senior graduating with a degree in psychology. She has spent the spring 2024 semester studying the complexities of human sexual communication through the Mentoring through Research in Progress program.

Emily A. Mendelson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Emily is a doctoral student in communication who studies sexual communication and interpersonal relationships. She served as Kristen’s research mentor for this work as part of the Mentoring through Research in Progress program.